Do you want to exercise with out pain? Looking to tone and increase your fitness without impact? THEN AQUAPHYT IS FOR YOU! Bookings are essential, call on 8919 4727 to secure your place!

Do you want to exercise with out pain? Looking to tone and increase your fitness without impact? THEN AQUAPHYT IS FOR YOU! Bookings are essential, call on 8919 4727 to secure your place!
#3 Dead Lifts You have not fully recovered from a Hamstring injury until you can perform this exercise! Start without any weight and progress the exercise to include weight when you have no resistance in your hamstrings. If your Hamstring is holding you back there is so much you can do with the correct rehab – […]
#2 GLUTE BRIDGES You have not fully recovered from a Hamstring injury is until you can perform this exercise! If you don’t have a Swiss Ball you can pick one up at the Physio Clinic. If your Hamstring is holding you back there is so much you can do with the correct rehab – make […]
Our Top Hamstring Exercises #1 Nordic Curl If you have ever pulled, torn, tweaked or strained your HS muscle then this is for YOU – the Nordic Curl is the mother of all exercises to strengthen the Hamstrings to prevent injury when sprinting. If it is too difficult to SLOWLY lower your body towards the ground […]
Join us for a 6 week program where you will learn how to effectively and efficiently release through muscle and connective tissue in order to prevent injury and improve performance. Perfect for those who complete high levels of physical activity and for those who generally feel stiff and inflexible through their body. So come and […]
Are Stairs Often Difficult? Do You Need Some Help? Is Your Training Being Impacted By Your Knee Pain? Knee pain (especially at the front of the knee and around the kneecap) is a common condition seen in our clinic especially in runners and dancers, and is also prevalent in women between the ages of 30-50 […]