Can you limit your sitting and sleeping to 23.5 hours a day?

Interesting information has been released regarding a form of treatment that produced fantastic results and requires you to limit your sitting and sleeping to 23.5 hours a day.

Could you do it?

What if it was only walking for 30 minutes a day?

  • Patients with knee arthritis who received 1hr of treatment three times a week, reduced rates of pain and disability by 47%
  • In older patients, it reduced dementia progression by around 50%
  • For patients at a high risk of diabetes, coupled with other lifestyle interventions, it reduced progression to Frank diabetes by 58%
  • Post-menopausal women who had 4hrs a week of treatment had a 41% reduction in the risk of hip fracture
  • It reduced anxiety by 48%, and in a meta-analysis in patients suffering from depression, 30% were relieved with a low dose of this intervention that jumped to 47% as the dosage is increased
  • Following more than 10,000 Harvard alumni for over 12 years, those that had the intervention had a 23% lower risk of death than those who did not have the treatment
  • Number one treatment for fatigue, where the medicine was exercise, mostly walking indicated that the best thing you can do for your health is to spend half an hour to an hour being active
  • Steven Blair, professor at the Arnold School of Public Health at the University of South Carolina, created the Aerobic Centre Longitudinal study that follows more than 50,000 men and women over time
  • Attributable fractions, the estimated number of deaths in a population that would have been avoided if the risk factor was erased. Eg, turning a smoker into a non-smoker
  • Blair looked at the number of risk factors, the one that applied the most risk was low cardio-repiratory fitness (CRF). This means really low fitness and this was the strongest predictor of death
  • Blair undertook another trial looking at obesity, he found two things
  • The first was that obesity plus no exercise is a bad combination, it is where you see many of the negative side effects of obesity
  • Secondly that if obese people were active, even if they did not lose weight, their health was much better. Exercise ameliorated the negative side effects of obesity
  • If exercise is medicine, what is the dosage? Rate of return seems to decline after 20-30 minutes a day, but essentially more exercise is better
  • Being active less than 150 minutes a week (kids need an hour a day) a flag goes up in the clinic
  • Nurses’ Health Study shows that women who went from zero activity to just 1hr a week reduced their rate of heart disease by almost half
  • Data shows that 67% of dog walkers achieve 150 minutes of exercise a week just with dog walking
  • 1990’s Japan required all employers to conduct annual health screens for employees
  • At a Japanese gas company they found that an >10 minute walk made no difference to blood pressure
  • An 11-20 minute walk reduced high blood pressure or hypertension by 12%
  • A walk >21 minutes reduced high blood pressure by 29%
  • They calculated that for every 10 minute increase in your daily walk there was a 12% reduction in likelihood to develop high blood pressure
  • Germany researcher Rainer Hambrecht looked at 100 cardiac patients
  • Hambrecht got half of the group to exercise 20 minutes a day on an exercise bicycle and once a week for 60 minutes in an aerobic class
  • The other half got high-tech stents and kept with their normal activity
  • After one year, 88% of the exercisers were cardiac-event free, compared to 70% of people who got stents. Amazing that low-tech intervention, exercise, made a bigger difference

Have a great weekend, from all the team at Arnhem Physiotherapy Services!

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