Archive | Arnhem Physiotherapy Services

Seniors exercising

Why should you exercise?

Why is it important to exercise regularly? Watch this video for advice on why you should start your own exercise program, how much exercise you should be doing and the benefits you will experience by making this healthy decision for yourself and your life! If you like individual advice come and see one of our […]

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Our Top Hamstring Exercises – #4 Sprinter’s High Knee

You have not recovered from a Hamstring injury until you can complete this exercise! Ensure that you have no pain with a Hamstring Flick and Catch before commencing your running program. Use the Sprinter’s High Knee to strength and prepare for your running, begin the exercise without resistance and increase your speed. Once you are […]

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Reformer Pilates is for you!

Do you want to work on your core strength and stability? Are you sick of suffering from back pain? The Reformer Pilates classes are Physio instructed classes that tailor the exercises to your needs and progress, while also monitoring technique and correcting any underlying issues. Reformer Pilates is proven to have far better outcomes than […]

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