Neck and Shoulder Pain

Although neck and shoulder pain can occur separately, the two problems often appear together. The most common causes of neck pain include postural problems, trauma, muscle strains and arthritis. The most common causes of shoulder pain include strain, usually caused by over-exertion, trapped or pinched nerves, tendonitis and ‘frozen’ shoulder.

If you are experiencing the typical symptoms of, restricted range of movement, stiffness in the neck and shoulder and feeling a ‘knot’ at the site of the pain, call us today on (08) 8919 4727 to arrange an initial appointment, as physiotherapy is very effective at relieving these problems, quickly.

Neck Pain

The pain may be a dull ache or a sharp, stabbing pain and headache is common. Stiffness and inability to move the head through the full range of movement can cause problems with everyday activities such as driving. All these elements can be annoying and debilitating, but thankfully, are easy to fix in most cases. Because there are many causes of neck pain, it is important for your Physiotherapist to diagnose the cause so that appropriate treatment can begin as soon as possible.

When we conduct our initial assessment and physical examination of a patient with neck pain, we often find that the joints of the cervical spine have become stiff; this often causes muscle spasms or muscle weakness in the neck and shoulders.

Taking action and getting prompt treatment from your Physiotherapist helps enormously as the longer the problem has persisted the harder it is to reverse. This is because the body is very clever at compensating for any deficiency and recruiting other joints and/or muscles to make up for any deficiency. This can cause a ‘knock on’ effect as they work harder than they should, resulting in problems including, headache, tension migraine and chronic pain and stiffness.

Shoulder Pain

Because the shoulder is the most mobile of all our joints, shoulder injury and pain is quite common. Good shoulder muscle strength and function is vital to a correctly functioning, pain-free shoulder.

The usual causes of shoulder pain are Bursitis, Rotator Cuff injuries, Instability of the shoulder causing dislocation, ‘frozen’ shoulder, or arthritis.

Most shoulder problems respond well to appropriate treatment and exercises although, unfortunately, shoulder surgery is sometimes required. Pre-operatively, physiotherapy can be useful to prepare for a surgical procedure and, in some cases, may rule out the need for an operation at all. Post-operatively, Physiotherapy can help patients to regain the full range of movement and strength in the affected shoulder.

Clinical Pilates Can Help

At Arnhem Physiotherapy, we have Clinical Pilates exercise and rehabilitation programs. We often use Pilates alongside Physiotherapist treatments for a variety of injuries and conditions. These offer exercises that benefit both neck and shoulder pain, by focusing on mobility, strength, function and alignment.

Arnhem Physiotherapy Can Help

Biomechanical neck and shoulder pain and the associated stiffness and headache, respond well to Physiotherapist treatments in combination with specific strengthening exercises. The long-term benefits are that you can significantly reduce the risk of recurrence by getting prompt treatment and following the exercise guidelines that we prescribe.

Move Better, Feel Better – BOOK ONLINE or call us now on 08 8919 4727 – No referral needed.

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